Friday, March 26, 2010

What is the Cause of these Awful Symptoms?

As we consider the scope of knowledge about health, it is good to be aware of how too much information obscures the picture. In this article about an interaction between Dr. Palmer and Dr. Mayo, we see how important it is to "get to the main issue," which is establishing the criteria necessary for the body to heal.

In the early 20th century, Dr. Charles Mayo, physician, surgeon, and co-founder of the famed Mayo Brothers Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, brought his wife for treatment to the Dr. B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Research Clinic in Davenport, Iowa.
Dr. Mayo had taken his wife to other physicians, including doctors in Europe, all distinguished diagnosticians and specialists. Dr. P.L. Poulsen of the BJPCC staff informed me that those medical specialists had agreed upon a diagnosis - osteochondromatosis of the knee joint. They had tried everything medical to heal Mrs. Mayo, but all treatment had failed.
Dr. Mayo brought his wife to Dr. Palmer for his chiropractic professional services. He addressed Dr. Palmer as Mr. Palmer. To this Dr. Palmer replied: "This is a case of Greek meeting Greek; a test of steel against steel; a test of our simple chiropractic principle and practice against your complex medical theories and experiments."
Dr. Palmer ordered spinographs taken of Mrs. Mayo's spine.
"Mr. Palmer, why are you only taking spinal x-rays?" queried Dr. Mayo.
"Because, we are going to locate the vertebral subluxation cause of her sickness, so we can correctly adjust it." replied Dr. Palmer.
Dr. Mayo rejoined, "There is no such thing, and if there were, you couldn't adjust it by hand only."
"Dr. Mayo," Dr. Palmer said to the world-renowned clinician, "while you are here, we are going to ask you to keep your mouth shut."
Dr. Palmer performed readings with the neurocalometer and neurocalograph, then analyzed the patient's spinographs. Afterward, he gave her an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment to release spinal cord compression from the vertebral occlusion in her spinal canal.
After the chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Mayo asked, "Is that all you are going to do? What is wrong with my wife? Where is she sick? What is your diagnosis?"
Dr. Palmer replied, "We don't know. What is more, we don't care."
"You are a very ignorant man," retorted Dr. Mayo.
"We are ignorant of everything you think we should know," countered B.J.
After a pause, Dr. Palmer spoke again. "You, too, are a very ignorant man. You are ignorant of everything we think you should know about the cause of disease in the backbone of sick people. We know cause; you know there is a difference or you wouldn't be here. That's the difference in your approach, which has done your wife no good, and our approach, which will get your wife well."
"That remains to be seen," Dr. Mayo replied.
Dr. Palmer continued: "I am ignorant of everything you think I should know about disease of the sick. You know all this, and what good has it done your wife? The fact that you brought her here proves your methods have failed. Because of reports of the success of our methods of vertebral subluxation and adjustment, you brought your wife here to us."
Mrs. Mayo received chiropractic care for several months and went home well. Dr. Mayo stated it was impossible for her to get well with what Palmer did, yet he also admitted she was well.
Dr. Palmer expounded: "Medical doctors are concerned in knowing everything about effects, while chiropractors are vitally concerned in the cause in the backbone and how to correct it. What a difference between medical care and chiropractic care! A patient can come to the B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic and be deaf, dumb, and blind - not telling or indicating anything - and we could and would locate the cause of whatever, wherever he had it; we adjust him and send him home well. It is as simple as that."
I was on the staff of the B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic in 1953-54. Although "Dr. Charlie" had passed away in 1939, during that time, 60 to 80 percent of our patients were referred by "someone" on the staff of the Mayo Clinic.
1. BJ Palmer,DC,PhC. Volume XXXII.
2. PL Poulsen,DC,BJPCC. Personal account.
L. Ted Frigard,DC,PhC, Beverly Hills, CA
For more articles like this, visit

Dr. Schalow's comments: Interesting picture of an interaction between two strong personalities, both of whom did fine work (in their own way) to help suffering humanity. Moral of the story - pay attention to CAUSING health, and then give it TIME!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Living in Pain is NOT Living

"I literally got my life back!" says Richard Farmes, a 54 year old NUCCA patient living in the Chesapeake Virginia area. He explains that he had been in so much pain for so long, he was seriously considering spinal surgery when he heard Dr. David Packer on the radio discussing the fact that if you're living in pain, you're not really living. Richard felt immediately that NUCCA was his last hope for relief without surgery and promptly scheduled an appointment.

Like many people, Richard had suffered a head injury as a teenager, but never gave it much thought. Later, in the Navy, he hurt himself lifting a heavy weight and from that incident forward, slowly began a downward spiral into unrelenting pain for 35 years. In addition to the pain, he also suffered from sinus infections, mild hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, and prostate problems, all of which eventually vanished after he began NUCCA care.

"After the first treatment, I felt like my neck was on fire and I had pelvic pain for about a half hour. But then, it stopped and I had no pain at all for the first time in 35 years!"
The pain returned after a while and Richard was diligent about maintaining his program with Dr. Packer which began at first with corrections two times weekly and gradually reduced to once every three months or longer intervals.

It's now been four years since Richard initiated NUCCA care. As a result, he was able to get back to his weight lifting program, lost 50 pounds, and he's active, happy, and pain-free. "NUCCA" he says, " is a remarkable technique. We just have to continue getting the word out so more people can be pain-free!"

Two comments from the Dr Schalow - - Unpleasant initial response from the adjustment, wasn't it? (We see that often in the healing process as spinal tissues move back into correct relation, not to worry)
Four years! It takes time to heal properly doesn't it? Stick with the program to see the best benefit.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Children's Health

News from a fellow NUCCA doctor...

"Recently I had a new patient named Jayden. She is 5 months old. At about 2 months old, her parents noticed that something was wrong. She wasn't moving very much and it became difficult for her to swallow. She was suffering with dysphagia, central hypotonia, esotropia, development disabilities, and a history of aspiration. Conventional medicine could not place a specific diagnosis on her and she ended up on Prevacid. This had been going on for about 3 months when someone referred her to my office. She was being fed through a tube that stayed in her nose all the time. I have now seen Jayden 3 times over the last month and I have adjusted her twice. Her parents have about a 3 hour drive to get to my office. Her mother reported that she is more active than she has ever been since the first adjustment and she is beginning to swallow. They are introducing juices to Jayden slowly. She cries every time she sees me. She does not like to get on my table. "

Now the big question is, "If upper cervical care can help this child regain normal function, can it help other children?"
Another question is this, "If the child does not want to be there, should we let the child call the shots?"

Since the NUCCA adjustment is not painful, since the adjustment is very light, since the treatment is proven to set into motion normal developmental processes, should we allow our children to be under this type of care?

I vote for my kids a BIG YES!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Success with Upper Cervical Care

I am often disappointed in results, given my perfectionist nature. It is easier to deal with it if we're talking about how the lawn looks, or if the garden is producing well. These are things that don't really matter after all. There's always the store if the cucumbers don't yield.

But where it really hits me hard is when my patients don't get better the way I think they should. Sometimes it takes more time than I think it should, and sometimes strange symptoms ensue as the healing process unfolds. What is going on in these cases and should we give up?

Recalling that we are working with the upper cervical region, however, reminds me that we must be concerned with those details first. If everything is in order in the relation between the skull, the atlas (C1), the axis (C2) and the neck below, then we can rest assured that the process is working the way it should be.

More times than I can count, the case has resolved well after taking new x-rays and finding out that the misalignment pattern changed. The details of the adjusting vector cannot be underestimated, and if those details are not right, we have to get them right to see success. Those patients who share the same interest in the details as I do are those patients who see success.

How can we be most successful? Commit to excellence in upper cervical care so that healing can progress.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rockford Chiropractor @ St. Bernadette

Several years ago, during the annual health fair hosted by the St. Bernadette Seniors, I looked out over the crowd of people enjoying the day. I saw some people who were patients already and some people who I had screened in past years who were not interested in getting under care, and suddenly my eyes were opened.

Have you ever had a moment when it is like you wake up from a stupor and can now see what is right in front of your face? This was one of them.

I recognized for the first time that upper cervical care is not just about getting the spine balanced and it is not just about healing from pain and other syndromes. As I looked at those who were patients, I realized that they looked younger, more relaxed, had better looking skin. As I studied those who never committed to care, I realized they looked older, more pinched, stooped, and had less color.

I realized that this is about turning the clock back, putting more life into your life, doing something for yourself that no insurance company can do...

Upper Cervical health care - at St Bernadette this Saturday, March 13, 2010, from 9-1. Come and find out if you have a balanced spine!