I went to a different church a few weeks ago and met a friendly gentleman...He introduced me to a professional woman whom he thought I should meet. When I met her, I was honestly baffled as to why he thought I should meet her, so I told her about myself. "I'm an upper cervical doctor," I started, and didn't get any further because she started crying. She told me about her neck, face and jaw pain and all the things she had been trying, without remedy. She told me that they were going to do an MRI of her neck in two days to see if a problem could be seen. I suggested that once the MRI is done, she come in for a second opinion.
Well, as it all turned out, she had a serious problem in the connection between the head and neck. It was creating a lot of tension in the temporal bone region, which not only serves as one foundation for the jaw, but also cradles the nerve centers that produce facial pain. The first adjustment went beautifully and over the last few weeks, the pain has been receding. I love it when the body can heal itself so easily. In this case the only interference was structural. She had not engaged in poisonous drug therapy which in other cases seems to have injected layers of complexity onto the case.
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