Aside from the usual speech impediments brought on by a 6 A.M. alarm clock, or the trouble one feels when the child asks, "Where do babies come from?", there are some causes of voice problems that are simply structural.
Look at this picture of some of the muscles that suspend the vocal apparatus! Can you see that some of these muscles begin up in the head, and some of them attach to the ribs below? What would happen if the bones in the head are not balanced and in position? What would happen if the ribs have been pushed out of alignment? Do you think it could affect the voice?
It sure can, and I have an interesting story to tell about how this happened to one person and how we got it fixed.
For the past ten years, her voice was getting worse. All the medical treatments were exhausted, including vocal therapy. But from the perspective of the upper cervical chiropractic world, we had a serious problem affecting not only the neck, but the entire body musculature.
We call it the atlas subluxation complex, and it involves the head and neck being off line - in short, the head isn't on straight. It is measurable and in most cases, correctible.
Which is what we did. The muscles relaxed, everything went back into position, and now the voice is returning.
Next time something is found to be wrong, ask the question, "What's the status of the atlas?" It might shed some light on the problem!
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