Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rockford NUCCA Chiropractor Eye Exams

Part of the fun of studying recent research in neurology and upper cervical chiropractic is experiencing the joy of understanding why a person gets dizzy or has headaches. We tend to see that when a person is out of adjustment there is a loss of signal going to specific parts of the brain that run the eye muscles. We can actually test the eyes and determine which pathways are not working.
This year, we have started using eye tests to gain a clearer picture of how the atlas subluxation expresses itself. Many times it is possible to see exactly where the disturbance shows in the brain. After correcting the atlas subluxation complex, we test again and verify that there is a change.
So now we do Eye Tests! They show...
- Which eye muscles aren't working right
- Which parts of the balance mechanism aren't working right
- Which semicircular canals are not happy
- Where the connections are not happening in the brain
So does that mean we are eye doctors? No, just that for some people, the atlas subluxation complex will knock out the vision and the balance systems. It's important for us to see exactly where the breakdown is happening so we can verify that your body is responding well. We're still doing excellent NUCCA upper cervical chiropractic!

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