Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What a Day!

I love my job! I get to meet all kinds of people who have been spending lots of time and money doing the wrong things besides getting to the root of the problem. I find out 99% of the time that I can help them, and then I correct the underlying problem - the atlas subluxation complex (the head isn't on straight). Then I get to watch and study them as they go through the healing process. About 4% of the time, the healing process is not a happy time in the beginning, but for the rest of my patients it is a gradual improvement. I see changes that seem like the old injury from 20 or 40 years ago is present again. I see changes that seem like we lost the good adjustment - but on close inspection, is only an aggravation. Sometimes we see alarming symptoms that tell me the misalignment factors changed and we better get a new x-ray pronto cause the doc is adjusting on the wrong angle!
Sometimes my work is similar to the orchestra conductor who crafts harmony out of a stage full of individual (and sometimes cranky) musicians. But what a fine sound we develop! When you're ready for an improvement, we're here to help.

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