Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Problem with Skeptics Regarding the NUCCA Procedure

I understand that there are those who have questions about the NUCCA procedure (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). Some people actually investigate the procedure - we call them scientists. Some people don't investigate and make up their minds without the help of knowledge - we call them skeptics of the worst kind.
The worst kind because they fail to actually investigate all the factors relevant in the NUCCA work. Factors such as x-ray reliability, analysis reliability, adjusting skills, the value of testing, the value of looking for indicators within a person's nerve system that show the presence of the atlas subluxation complex...
Lucky for many, many people, they don't listen to this type of skeptic, and simply go for what makes sense.
What makes sense is that you need your head to be in communication with your body for anything to work right. The NUCCA procedure does this. Then people heal from conditions as diverse as congestive heart failure, liver disease, fallen arches, TMJ syndrome...and on and on. And it is simply due to the fact that normal physiology has been restored within the nerve system which controls and coordinates all the other systems of the body. Good science!

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