Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rockford Chiropractor - Helping Pain

Why did the American Heart Association suggest in 2007 that physicians change the way they prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers from a first choice to an alternate recommendation following nonpharmacologic treatment? Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications work by down-regulating the COX-2 enzyme that produces inflammation in tissues. (Watch out for farm-raised Talapia fish, they up-regulate this enzyme due to the feed).
The problem comes in when these medications also down-regulate the COX-1 enzyme, which protects kidney and stomach cells. The unwanted result is stomach bleeding and liver damage...
Are there safer ways to bring down inflammation?
1st Step is to check the status of the atlas.
The first bone in the neck, the atlas, can be out of position to a very small extent. It can be so small that its displacement interferes with nerves that control inflammation!
Certain food supplements can also normalize this inflammation response. Let us help you turn your pain around and begin the healing process!
1st Step Chiropractic, using the NUCCA procedure, and where appropriate, precision use of food supplementation. 815-398-4500

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