Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spinal Cord Injuries...

Spinal cord injuries are something that can puzzle any clinician. Sure there are the overconfident ones that will give a blanket statement, "You'll never walk again," or, "it will take at least one year to get better." But can we ask some questions first? How about this one - "What kinds of things will maximize my ability to heal from this injury?" Here's one that is going to make the neurologist's head hurt - "How can you be sure that it won't get better?"

Asking questions is what drove Columbus west, and asking questions is what drove Edison to invent the light bulb
successfully. The questions we ask include - Is there interference with the brain's control of the healing process? What is the nature of this interference and can it be corrected with the NUCCA procedure? These are the questions that have driven my patients with spinal cord injuries to my office and these are the questions that are finding a positive answer for even this type of injury.

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