Saturday, April 10, 2010

Knee Pain and NUCCA

I had an interesting experience last week when I was able to witness how correcting the atlas subluxation complex fixed a knee problem of short duration.

The patient had twisted her knee a few days before and it was swollen and painful as a result. The tibia was twisted under the femur. She had a brace on it to keep it stable. When I checked it, there was palpable swelling, heat and tenderness below the kneecap. She was out of adjustment due to the presence of the indicators that show up when there is spinal cord pressure at the brain stem.

I adjusted the atlas subluxation complex and re-checked the knee. The swelling had vanished, the heat and tenderness had vanished, and the twisting of the tibia was gone. Everything had straightened out!

Isn't that nice that the body was able to correct the knee problem right away, once the underlying cause of the failure-to-heal had been eliminated!

But can you see that it is all a matter of communication between the brain and the body? This was fixed before the joints had time to wear out.

Knee pain - it can get fixed with upper cervical care!

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