Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tonal Music and Chiropractic

After playing some of Chopin's Etude in F#, I was struck by the surprising twists and turns that the harmony plays. In music, what makes it interesting is described as tension moving to resolution, at least that's how Hindemith distills it.
Tension/Resolution, a tonal system that has logic and organization. This is much like the nerve system keeping the vertebrate mechanism in balance. When there is a peaceful balance in the muscles, you could say that there is tonal harmony. When there is tension you could say there is discordant assymmetry.
How can you restore balance in the tissues, in the muscles, in the "sound?"
Upper cervical chiropractic restores communication between the brain and the body. The nerve system controls and coordinates all the other systems in the body, and it relates us to the outside world. If you begin your piece in F#, you want to end it in F#, after wandering through other tonal centers. That gives the music balance and harmony.
Now all we have to do is get that same balance and harmony going in YOU!
Rockford Chiropractor, here to help you restore spinal balance and nerve system harmony.

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